The Confidence Whisperer

Where Spiritual Women Finally Break Through To The Self-Assured Success You Were Meant For – In All Areas Of Your Life.

A Unique Blend Of Hypnotherapy, neuroscience-made-easy, and Universal Energetic Principles

For heart-centered professional women who want to get to the next level in life – by skyrocketing their confidence, self-belief, and inner peace … instead of constant comparison, feeling stuck, or wondering “Where do I go from here?”

Finally develop the new, helpful mental and behavioral patterns that will get you from ‘Unstuck to Unstoppable’ – in business, in love, in health, and in your personal development

Ellen Bereza

It’s time to breathe! You’re not alone.

After helping people resolve troublesome issues and increase their well-being in various ways, I’ve realized this:

You want to establish healthy boundaries with everyone in your life so you stay balanced
You don’t want to say “yes” when you really want to say "no” (and vice-versa) .

You want to rise above and crush those demons with a healthy new perspective.
You don’t want to feel stuck with fears and phobias or bad habits.

You want to explore doing what your heart really wants to do with confidence and inner strength.
You don’t want to doubt yourself, talk down to yourself or play small for fear of judgement or rejection.

You don’t want to feel like you're doing it all on your own.
You’d rather welcome MORE. More help, more money, better health, better relationships etc. Believe it or not - they are all connected.

Allow your body to respond to a new mind with open arms and a love filled heart.

Sit Back and Relax.
I Got You.

Ellen Bereza
Have We Met? I'm Ellen

My journey has been marked by challenges and personal tragedy.

By the age of 24, I had already lost both of my parents to illness.

Click to

As if that weren’t enough, just nine months after my dad died, I started experiencing the first symptoms of what I was later to discover was the same disease that took his life.

It became really hard for me - both physically and mentally.

My life was certainly changing. I felt self doubt, unworthy of better - like in some way I deserved this fate.

As time went on I felt like I was losing hope. 

But something clicked in my mind:

After I sought help (unsuccessfully) from all sorts of doctors and practitioners, I quickly realized no one was going to swoop in and save me.

It knew it was up to me to find my own happiness and improve the way I felt about my health, my body, my mindset, relationships and life in general! Regardless of my current circumstances, I knew there was better just waiting for me.

It dawned on me as I looked into the sky one beautiful morning - "No one and nothing could make me happy... but ME!"

This realization sparked a fire within my gut.

I decided right then to work on how to create a future of abundant health, love, confidence and success - and start living it RIGHT NOW.

Even though I was dealing with physical challenges and downright mental anguish, I learned how to use my mind and heart to connect with emotional happiness and fulfillment.

Then things began to fall into place! 

I realized the beauty in all of it. It was so apparent that not only was my outlook starting to change - but I understood that truly anyone can do it for themselves, too!

With this new eye-opening "a-ha moment" realization, amazing things started happening in my life.

I began to feel more grateful, more confident and love myself fully and unconditionally.

I have since grown my confidence and self worth exponentially. I've learned (and continue to learn)  how the mind and the universe work in harmony and how to take advantage of that. The universe wants us to!!

I have attracted money when I needed it most,  I've had amazing chance meetings, mystical experiences, career and other awesome opportunities, messages from the universe and even received a direct, unmistakable message from my beautiful departed parents ...among many other magical things!

...and you can, too, dude. You CAN, TOO!!!!

Inspired by these transformative experiences, I have overcome my own doubts, fears and self sabotage. 

I have learned how to break free from negative thought patterns and get back to feeling good.

I followed my passion to show you just how you, too, can create the life you've always wanted to live.

I am a certified hypnotherapist, an inspirational keynote speaker and the creator of an impactful course that teaches you how to get rid of the thoughts that don't serve you and change your beliefs and perspective to  live the best life possible.

To stop feeling that self doubt, that unworthiness.

To stop allowing that self sabotage, procrastination and lack of confidence run your life.

Instead, you will lock in precisely how you want to feel and behave because you will become the YOU you've been longing to be:

Designing your own reality

Beyond what you even realized or believed was possible.

My mission is to help sharp, professional women, just like you, elevate your life, love, body image, business and so much more by shifting false beliefs and definitions that don't serve you using my signature customized program, "Unstuck To Unstoppable""

Learn how to exceed your own expectations and uncover unlimited potential that resides within you.

So, my sister, let's embark on this journey together and uncover just how much GOOD can happen when you lean in and learn how to be open to RECEIVE

The first step toward
getting somewhere



The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
Let’s get you back on track and bring about your
inner joy, peace and balance.


Ellen Bereza


Which Path Is Right For You?


(Self-Led Resource)

The ‘Infinite Possibilities Playbook’ is a powerful "how-to" guide that is perfect for women who are seeking ways to increase their confidence, become more productive, feel more at peace and be kinder to themselves …
And are looking for ways to do that on their own schedule!

If that’s you … just imagine a new way of thinking and expanding your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

This “go-at-your-own-pace” course will help you replace those old patterns & subconscious beliefs that are holding you back …

Instead, you’ll start embracing more optimistic, empowered thinking – and beliefs that are true to your heart and that uplift your emotions.

You’ll notice that you start to see things from a new perspective – opening the door to garner all the right opportunities and situations into your life. This course will teach you how to think differently, feel differently, behave differently and have grace for yourself, through practicing what I like to call the "energetic habits of harmony".

So says the Law of Resonance: “You don't attract what you want. You attract what you are.”
Let’s make you the most empowered, confident version of yourself.

What’s Included:

*64 Mindset Micro Lessons – These bite-sized video tutorials are designed to help you shift your mindset to more empowering beliefs. There’s NO set time you have to log in or watch; you do this on your schedule – as fast, or as slowly as you wish. And while the lessons are short (on average about 10 minutes) … the impact on your life will be huge.

*Eye-Opening Exercises For Self-Discovery – A rich bank of short, simple (yet powerful!) exercises to learn how to let go of unhelpful beliefs, become more deeply connected to your most authentic self, and even how to manifest using the Laws of Attraction & Resonance

*Hypnosis Meditations – You’ll get 3 transformative meditations you can use over and over again to help you step into your most positive, relaxed, and powerful self

*Reflective Journaling Prompts – Journaling is one of the most powerful methods of processing emotions and planning for new goals! These empowering prompts will open your mind to commit to the lessons in the course … so you can embody them until they become second nature

Investment: $485

(4 Week Hypnotherapy Package)

A breakthrough 4-week transformation where we uncover and eradicate the key obstacle holding you back from the radical confidence, self-belief, and the inner peace you know you deserve.

Here’s How It Works & What’s Included:

*Welcome Questionnaire – Before we meet, I’ll send you a brief but thorough form to fill out to help me get to know you, your background, and your goals.

*One (1) 30-Minute Intake Consultation – Once I have your form, we’ll meet up so I can go over the Welcome Form and we can map out your transformation. This is where I’ll dive in to discover your subconscious, limiting beliefs that are holding you back (and that you may not even realize are there!)

*One (1) 90-Minute Rewiring Session – Using Rapid Transformational Therapy®, we’ll eliminate your old unhelpful beliefs, and then “rewire” your subconscious – replacing the old beliefs with new positive ones for permanent life changes. The power of RTT® is that it usually only takes ONE session to rewire you for incredible breakthroughs!

*One (1) 20-Minute, Custom Created Transformational Hypnotic Recording – I’ll create a bespoke recording that you’ll listen to for 21-days. This will lock in your new beliefs and unlock your full potential.

*One (1) 10-Minute Hypnosis Relaxation Recording – To help you relax and internalize your new beliefs.

*Direct Access via DM – During our four-week process, you’ll have access to me via Telegram Messenger for up to 30 minutes per week, M-F from 9am-7pm Eastern. This will help you minimize any wobbles and feel supported as your new confidence and inner peace gets locked in!

*21-Day Post Session Check-In Call – After our time together is up, you’ll book in for a quick 30-minute call to wrap up any loose ends and celebrate your breakthroughs!

Get ready to feel a whole new level of confidence to tackle your goals…

Investment: $1500

(12 Week Package)

A high-touch, dynamic journey to learn new, empowering ways to handle all types of life’s challenges with grace, confidence, and unshakable inner peace.

Here’s How It Works …

You Get Everything in the “Life On Your Terms Hypnotherapy” Package:

Welcome Questionnaire – Before we meet, I’ll send you a brief but thorough form to fill out to help me get to know you, your background, and your goals.

One (1) 30-Minute Intake Consultation– Once I have your form, we’ll meet up so I can go over the Welcome Form and we can map out your transformation.

One (1) 90-Minute Rewiring Session – Using Rapid Transformational Therapy®, we’ll eliminate your old unhelpful beliefs, and then “rewire” your subconscious – replacing the old beliefs with new positive ones for permanent life changes. The power of RTT® is that it usually only takes ONE session to rewire you for incredible breakthroughs!

One (1) 20-Minute, Custom Created Transformational Hypnotic Recording – I’ll create a bespoke recording that you’ll listen to for 21-days. This will lock in your new beliefs and unlock your full potential.

One (1) 10-Minute Hypnosis Relaxation Recording – To help you relax and internalize your new beliefs.

PLUS You Also Get:

Three (3) Powerful 45-Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions – Once we’ve identified the key obstacle holding you back, and have installed new empowering beliefs … the real journey begins! I’ll be supporting you with wise guidance & actionable steps as you take bold strides toward your new goals!

12-Months Access To The “Infinite Possibilities Playbook” – 64 bite-sized, “watch at your own pace” video tutorials teaching you mindset-shifting concepts & techniques. This will complement our work together, and will reinforce the new beliefs we’ll be installing in your subconscious … so your breakthroughs are even more powerful.

Direct Access via DM – For our 12 weeks together, you’ll have access to me via Telegram Messenger for up to 30 minutes per week, M-F from 9am-7pm Eastern.

Investment: $2450

Ellen Bereza

I loved Ellen’s course! First of all, I really like her presentation style and soothing voice! She taught me techniques to stop doubting myself all the time and empowered me to finally show up for ME after years of spinning my wheels. I’ve been using her easy to follow steps to change my mindset and it is working! I wake up every day now knowing in my heart that anything is possible.
- Amy P.

Since starting Ellen’s course I can already see and notice changes in my frame of mind and how the universe is responding to those changes! I actually won some money over the weekend!! Prior to starting the Infinite Possibilities Playbook, I would never have expected or thought I deserved to win. But this time was just different. It felt different and when my name was called. I knew I deserved it and I knew the changes in me were the reason why! I’m really starting to feel the positive vibes that I deserve. Thank you, Ellen, I’m excited for what the future holds!
- Dena D.

Your course is so easy to follow and understand. It is like "The Secret" on steroids. Where the Secret has a bunch of experts telling you what you need to do. You outlined step by step HOW to do it! I wish I learned this information from my parents when I was young . It would have helped me so much in different situations I’ve faced in my life. I am definitely going to teach all of this to my son!
- Karen T.

“Ellen has helped me to own my confidence because it is my birthright. So much so that I started to make my own videos, that was something that I never thought I was able to do since I was so scared of being judged and I made it!”

-Fabiola R.G.

You know you deserve so much better.

Yet it seems there is an unknown force that is holding you back from feeling the way you want to feel and living your life the way you want to live it.

Let’s find that “force”  – and eliminate it for good! 

7 Random Things About GenX Me...

Ellen Bereza

📺 I took roller skating classes - Skatedance and speed skating in 1980/81. (has nothing to do with anything - I just thought it was funny)

📺 Ive always loved music, singing and acting! Performed in local Musical theater, murder mysteries, played the flute from the time I was 10 and sang songs here and there in the 90’s with various bands at venues all over the Jersey shore.

📺 I have 2 amazing kids that I have been teaching these lessons about the mind and the universe since birth! It helps them work through tough emotions and navigate life.

📺 I believed the urban legend that a woman was killed in the studio during the recording of Ohio Players’ “Love rollercoaster” Ever heard that song? Of course you have.

📺 I’ve always been highly intuitive & empathic. I’m really Good at picking up what you’re putting down. Even when you don’t yet understand it yourself (but you WILL!)

📺 In 1983, when I was 13, I somehow heard of Dr. Barrie Konikov. Listening to his recordings began my lifelong love of the workings of the mind

📺 You're not alone. I can help you with what you're going through. I’m a great listener and have a lot of knowledge in my noggin about how the mind and universe work. I enjoy helping you create the life you want to live




Ellen is a dynamic force in personal transformation. As a keynote speaker, certified hypnotherapist, and course creator, Ellen leverages health challenges, 25 years in biotechnology and a lifetime of soulful development to offer a fresh perspective on life’s true purpose.

After navigating those health obstacles, Ellen embarked on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering the secrets of neuroscience, quantum physics and happiness. Now, she shares her invaluable insights to guide seekers of positive change toward a life of abundance and fulfillment. With her signature blend of humor, genuine warmth, and captivating storytelling, Ellen leaves audiences at events and conferences of all sizes with unforgettable experiences.

Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and empowered by Ellen’s expertise and infectious energy as she reveals the keys to unlocking your true potential.   Enjoy your journey of lasting transformation.

Ellen Bereza